Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

We all know the fairy story Snow White,
written by the Brothers Grimm.
In the story the Queen has a magical mirror that answers any questions.
She asks the mirror: "Mirror, mirror on the wall - who in the land is fairest of all?" 
To begin with the mirror always answers the the the Queen is the fairest.
The mirror always tells the truth so as Snow White grows up and becomes very beautiful the mirror has to change it's answer.
  Well, we all know what happened!

Alas, I don't have a magic mirror that can tell me what I want to hear.
What I do have is a small vintage table top mirror that I can use to reflect one of my favorite flowers.
Two for one! 

Ranunculus comes in many gorgeous colours. One more beautiful than the other.
It is a very opulant flower that looks its best when open and full.
Semi-open buds are also lovely and most closed buds do eventually open up.

Ranunculus are fantastic en masse in a vase and can be used both in a modern enviroment or as here in a charming romantic setting.

Spring greetings!

xoxo Ingrid

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