Last of the Summer Wine

The heat wave and Indian summer last week brought out the summer clothes and the cool drinks in the garden.
Well, it only lasted for a few days and soon everything will be back to normal.
It will not be long now that the warm socks will come out, winter duvet on the bed and central heating on.
It actually sounds quite cosy.

In the mean time lets enjoy a few images from warmer days.
I put some gorgeous white and pink Snapdragons in an old white jar and put a pink bow around the top. The lid to the jar is missing and it has a chip on the bottom but I like it anyway.
The botanical name for snapdragon is Antirrhinum from the Greek for nose or snout in allusion that it looks like a snout of a dragon. The name Snapdragon comes from the fact that when you press the sides of the flower it opens up like a dragons mouth and when you let go it snaps shut.
Snapdragons are relatively easy to grow and lasts for for about 7-10 days as a cut flower.
Sarah Raven sells seeds.

I used a small pink quilt as table cloth and my usual peeling old door as backdrop.

The cooling drink in the glass and jug is elder flower cordial. It is one of my favorites and with added strawberries and mint, who could resist on a hot day.

The added additions of fresh strawberries and green mint leaves makes it look lovely and colourful.
Served on a pretty floral vintage plate adds some extra colour.

This is the closest I have ever gotten to owning a cat. I think he/she is rather sweet but maybe a bit too much for most people. I have to admit that I own a collection of small animals similar to this. They are all perched in a row on a brick wall in the garden.
Oh, dear what ever happened to my Scandinavian minimal roots? 

Have a joyful day!

Lots of love,

xoxo Ingrid

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