PS4P - Week 6 and 7 and Your Topic!

Review Week 6

Just a reminder that there is a web page with complete step by step instructions on how to use the pen tool to create a selection and convert the selection to a mask.
The instructions go on and detail what you need to to do to "refine" the mask using the Refine Edge dialogue.
Click here to go to the Selection and Masking Tutorial

Preparing for Week 7 and beyond

Bring to class images that you would like to convert to Black & White, or split Tone. The class is partially about how to convert your images into Black and White. We'll also look at how to split tone images.
We will also be looking at techniques that used to belong to the realm of Photoshop, but can now be better accomplished in Camera Raw.
In this class we will begin to look at how to deal with "retouching" portraits, but concentrate on that during week 8's class. Bring to class a portrait that you'd like to work on...

It's Your Topic!

Is there a technique or subject that hasn't been covered in class?  Send me an e-mail! Is the a technique YOU developed that you'd like to share with the class?
Either leave a comment on the blog, or send me an e-mail.
See you in class!


Post some pics to the blog and share them with your class mates!

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