Alstroemeria Flowers and String

A beautiful Alstroemeria flower in an old Japanese sake bottle and some string, twine and an old spool of thread. All very simple in both shape, form and colour. 

I love string and twine in all shapes and colour especially the ones in their natural unadulterated colours. They are great for tying around presents, around bunches of flowers and around vases and jars.

Alstroemeria also called Peruvian lily or Lily of the Incas. From the common names you may have guessed that it originally comes from South America. As a cut flower you can buy it in many different colours from white to pink, yellow, orange, red and purple. Most all of them have very attractive small streaks and flecks of red or maroon on the inner petals. My personal favourites are the white and purple varieties.

Have a lovely Sunday!!

xoxo Ingrid

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