By Jessica at suchprettythings
I've made this series a regular feature on my blog. The images are all from my Flickr group called Flowers and Vintage.
The group has just over 400 members and over 5 000 photographs. As a moderator I make sure the submissions follow the guidelines that are very simple - all images has to contain flowers or plant material and some kind of vintage or retro objects.
All images link back to the photographers Flickr page and there is a link to their blog or website.
By Helena at craftandcreativity
By Loreta at allthebeautifulthings
By Hannah at honeyandjam
By Tamar at nestdecorating
By Ilaria at idainteriorlifestyle
by Ingrid at woodwoolstool
By Rebecca at sinnenrasch
I hope you enjoyed the tulip theme.
Thanks for the visit.
xoxo Ingrid