Paula Pryke - Flowers Every Day Video

This is the third in a series of videos about flower arranging.

In this video Paula Pryke presents her latest book and makes a beautiful spring flower arrangement with daffodils, hyacinths, lilacs and grape hyacinths. 

Paula Pryke introduces herself in the video so I don't need to do that here - all I want to say is that she is one the most famous and respected florists in the world and an amazing teacher.  

Here are the links to the two previous videos:

The first one was called How to Care for Your Flowers presented by the florist Nico de Swert.

The second one was called How to create a Hand Tied Bunch of Flowers presented by gardener, writer and television presenter Sarah Raven.


  I hope you were able to pick up some useful tips!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you back here very soon.

xoxo Ingrid

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