"Gathering Flowers - If my garden is in bloom, my favorite place to gather is in my own backyard. If my yard is not flowering, rather than relying on expensive florists, I tend to buy my flowers at either supermarkets with good selections, farms, or flower marts. I am fortunate to live in a city that has a large flower mart (check with your local chamber of commerce to find the nearest one.) In addition to the selection, the flowers tend to be very fresh, so they'll live longer. But also, to me the whole experience of shopping at a flower marts is worth the effort of rising early and driving downtown. It's an incredible event. Everywhere I turn there's an excess of gorgeous flowers in multitude of colors, shapes, and smells. And seeing all these fragile flowers amid the bustle of the market with so many people and noises is a reflection of life in balance."
~ Rachel Ashwell ~
[Rachel Ashwell: British, based in California, USA, interior designer, stylist, author of seven books and founder of the company Shabby Chic.]
[Quote from: Shabby Chic, The Gift of Giving by Rachel Ashwell (2001).]
[Flowers: Blue Muscari.]
[Vase: Vintage blue and white floral patterned jug.]
[Other props: Black metal plate and vintage blue ink bottle.]
Styling and Photography © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]
Have a fabulous floral Sunday!
I'll see you again next week.
~ xoxo ~
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