The Simple Things - Magazine Review

I subscribe to Mollie Makes and when they announced that they were about to publish a sister magazine, called The Simple Things, I thought it looked very interesting and started another subscription. Well, so far I have not regretted it!

It is a while since I did a magazine review so when the fourth issue came out I felt I had a good idea what the magazine was about.

I will quote a few lines from the first page: “The SimpleThings celebrates the things that matter the most. It’s about slowing down, enjoying what you have, making the most of where you live, enjoying the company of friends and family and making simple food for simple gatherings.
We like to grow some of our own vegetables, visit our local markets, rummage in thrift shops and decorate our homes with our plunder.
And we like to think that the small things we do will make a difference in the long run.”

In one of the issues there is an eight page spread on Holly Becker's latest book Decorate Workshop. Holly writes the blog Decor8 and is one of the big names within the blogging world, her first book Decorate became a best-seller. I have taken several of her blogging on-line courses. Holly is a great teacher and you walk away with an enormous amount of information that she so generously share.

A fellow Swede, Hans Blomquist is featured in another issue. Hans, who lives in Paris, is well known in the styling world and has this last year published his first book called The Natural Home. He has worked for big names like H&M, IKEA and Marks & Spencer.

Flowers are my big love so I was very happy to see a feature on Vic Brotherson's book Vintage Flowers. When the book was first published I reviewed her book on my blog. She does such an amazing job combining flowers and vintage.

Aran Goyoaga is one of my favourite food photographers she has a huge talent for styling and creates amazing images, she is also a culinary-school graduate. Aran writes the award winning blog, Canelle et Vanille, that gets millions of hits every year. Her first book, Small Plates & Sweet Treats has just been published.

Every issue has at least one feature on gardening and in the first one, The Balcony Gardener has a two page spread. Isabelle Palmer runs a small internet shop selling gardening things for the small garden. She has also published a book called The Balcony Gardener. 
I had the pleasure to feature her seed packets on my blog a little while ago.

The Danish company House Doctor is a family run interior design business based in Denmark with dealers around the world. Their two on-line catalogues have pages and pages of stylish Scandinavian design.

I have taken two of Susannah Conway's courses on the internet. She is a lovely and delightful teacher that guides you through her course material with a safe hand. I also had the pleasure to meet her at Holly Becker's latest  book launch at Anthropology in London. Her two books This I Know & Instant Love both came out in the last year.
I was very pleased to see that Susannah has a regular column writing about exploring the senses through photography.

Tessa Kiros is a food writer and has written eight cookbooks. All very beautifully produced and her last one that is so delightfully called, Limoncello & Linen Water, is no exception. 

My only criticism of the magazine is that some of their features consists of only one page, a full page image and just a few lines, I would have liked to have seen a bit more substance.   

The magazine also have articles on interiors, food, gardening, cooking, art & design, travel and much, much more. 
It is well worth buying a copy and I would be very interested to to know what you think.

Happy magazine reading!

Thanks for visiting and I'll see you back here soon.

xoxo Ingrid

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