Florets - Floral Quote - # 118 - by The Flower Appreciation Society

"The most common hydrangea that we see at the market is the aptly named mop-head variety. These rounded, voluptuous blooms perch on long straight stems, sitting like upside-down mops in their buckets. There are other types of hydrangeas that we like to use and buy whenever we see them. These include the various lacecap varieties, as well as Annabelle (Hydrangea arborescens) and Pink Diamond ( Hydrangea paniculata). Hydrangeas can be temperamental - sometimes we find they keep their shape even when they have dried (great sprayed gold for Christmas decorations) - other times they wilt almost as soon as they come out of their packaging. We suggest putting them in a bucket of cold water immediately, giving them a good spray (again using cold water) and searing the ends. To sear the ends you can either dip it in boiling water or hold it over a flame for a few seconds."

~ Anna Day and Ellie Jauncey ~

[Anna Day and Ellie Jauncey, The Flower Appreciation Society, British florists and authors of The Flower Appreciation Society - An A-Z of All Things Floral.]
[Quote from: The Flower Appreciation Society - An A Z of All things Floral.]
[Flowers: Blue hydrangea.]
[Containers: Vintage white and clear glass apothecary jars.]
[Styling and photography: © Ingrid Henningsson for Of Spring and Summer.]

I hope you are enjoying your weekend - maybe doing some flower arranging or just spending time with family and friends!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back on Monday with a 'Floral Media' blog post and a lovely little video - and of course it's all about flowers. 


~ xoxo ~

[Styling and photography © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

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