This week on 'Creative with Flowers' we are taking a look at some white roses very simply placed in a row of vintage bottles.
Roses, yes, roses - we all love roses - but growing your own roses can be a challenge. The UK has a damp climate that often produce mildew on the leaves. If it rains early in the summer even the flowers has mildew. Some years I struggle and other years my roses are a delightful and goes on flowering happily for months.
To buy roses from the supermarket, flower stall or florist can also be challenging. Roses from the florist are expensive and the longer the stem the more expensive they are. From the flower stalls - the selection can be quite limited. Buying roses from the supermarket - the delicate petals are often bruised or creased. So a bit tricky all around!
These white roses are from the supermarket - and what I do is that I remove most of the leaves and any thorns, I trim the stems and give them a good drink. What I also do is that I remove any bruised outer petals by gently but firmly pulling them off from the bottom of the flower head. You are left with a little bit of a smaller head but once the rose has opened up all the way - you can't really see any difference.
Here I have put five roses in five vintage bottles - all clear glass but different in size and look. I have varied the height of the flowers - but I have kept the height in proportion to the bottle. On two of the roses I have left a few leaves to give some visual variation and the rest have bare stems.
Enjoying a few roses now and then is a great pleasure. Five roses are not going to break the bank and displayed like this in individual containers makes a great impact.
Titti and I will be be back on Friday with another very colourful FLOWERS - I for one can't wait to show you!