A Bunch for the Weekend - # 80 - Pink Spray Roses

It's always a pleasure and lots of fun to buy a bunch of flowers for the weekend and this series of blog posts, called 'A Bunch for The Weekend, will show you how you can make quick and easy flower arrangements for your home. 

Buy the flowers where it's convenient and easy for you whether that is from a flower stall, farmers' market, the supermarket or a florist. 

Always try to buy seasonal flowers - they will be a lot cheaper.

Make sure you condition the flowers as soon as you get home. Remove any foliage that will end up below the waterline in the vase. Trim the ends of the stems at an angle and put in fresh water as soon as possible.

I'm going all pink and all floral this week on 'A Bunch for the Weekend'. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

I'm using spray roses in a very soft and muted pink colour. I left as much foliage as possible just to give added greenery and texture.

I pulled out a lot of china with pink flowers - plates, platters, bowls and jugs. Out came cushions with florals on them as well. I just wanted a really rich and overloaded feel to go with my pink roses..... 

Of course the roses are so beautiful all by themselves that nothing else was ever really needed - but I loved putting it all together and making it look a bit 'over the top' - all pink and floral. 

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Friday and a great weekend!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' and I'll be back next Friday  with another 'FLOWERS' where Titti and I will wish you all a Happy Midsummer.


~ xoxo ~

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