Tiny Blooms - # 33 - Peonies and Alliums

This series of blog posts - called 'Tiny Blooms' - are about small flower arrangements. Small - might be the size of the container or it could be the size of the flowers or the amount of stems. 

It can also be that the arrangement is minimal both in presentation and that it's simple, quick and easy to do. Apart from that there are no other strict rules - I'm allowing myself a lot of creative freedom!

Big blousy peonies and big round Alliums are two flowers that often flower at the same time. So why not try to combine them?

I used a vase with quite a narrow neck and used only three stems of each flower. I varied the height to give a little bit of visual variation 

They are both flowers that lasts for quite a long time - so a perfect combination. The colours also work very well together and the two big round shapes and variation in texture complement each other. 

It's a lovely combination that is worth trying out at this time of year. There are also many other Alliums that you can try to combine with the peonies.  You only need a few stems to make an impact with these two flowers!

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Monday!

I'll be be back on Wednesday with another 'Creative with Flowers'.


~ xoxo ~

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