Florets - Floral Quote - # 116 - by Hans Blomquist

"There are few things that add as much colour and happiness to a home as flowers - aside from family and friends, of course. I try to bring flowers into my home every week, as it makes such a difference to the way I feel and injects a sense of vitality that only flowers can achieve. Cut flowers can be expensive, but there are so many flowers growing in abundance in the garden and on common land that can make an even more beautiful bouquet than shop-bought flowers would do." "I am lucky enough to often be able to take flowers home from photoshoots that I have worked on where they have been used as props, but I also try to get out of Paris from time to time to pick some freely growing spring or summer flowers, as they are what I really prefer. The changing seasons mean that you can create different arrangements throughout the year."

 ~ Hans Blomquist ~

[Hans Blomquist: Swedish, Paris-based interior stylist, art director and author of two books The Natural Home (2012) and In Detail (2014).
[Quote from: In Detail by Hans Blomquist.]
[Flowers: Blue Hydrangea.]
[Container: French vintage grey and black enamelled water jug.]
[Styling and Photography © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Sunday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back next week with more floral delights. 


~ xoxo ~

[Styling and photography © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

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