Creative with Flowers - # 10 - Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll'

This series of blog posts - called 'Creative with Flowers' - are about using flowers in creative ways. It could be about how the flowers are combined - maybe in a little bit of an unusual way. It might be the choice of vase - maybe not a vase at all but a container that could be anything from jugs, bottles, jars, tins or teapots - vintage or new it doesn't matter. 

As usual my arrangements will be quick and easy - and there will always be lots and lots of colour!

This week on 'Creative with Flowers' we are taking a look at one of my favourite roses. It's the Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll'. 

I have one growing in my garden - so all these flowers come from there. 

Instead of a traditional vase I'm using a little antique Victorian luster creamer from around the 1830s.

I love how it has flowers on it and that the pink is almost the same colour as the rose.

The stems were very short - so it was a little hard to arrange the individual flowers - so what I did was - I arranged the bunch in my hand and then simply put a rubber band around the stems to keep them in place and then put them in the creamer. 

The largest of the roses I placed on a saucer in a small amount of water and I also scattered a few rose petals around - just for fun.  

Isn't this just the most romantic little arrangement and so simple to make? 

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Wednesday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' and I'll be back on Friday with another 'A Bunch for the Weekend'.


~ xoxo ~

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