When the first snowdrops start appearing they are like little jewels. Small, white, pure and delicate - it even looks like each flower is wearing a little skirt with a green pattern along the edge.
But they are not as delicate as they look - in fact they will grow through snow and ice; and layers of leaves and debris on the ground and they can withstand temperatures down to -15C.
The botanical or Greek name for snowdrop is Galanthus. Gala means milk and anthos means flower - a reference to the milky white colour of the flowers.
Galanthus nivalis is native flower that grows all over Europe and the Middle East; Canada and USA. There are also many spices and hybrids as well as about 2000 cultivars.
I have enough growing in my garden to be able to pick little bunches and still have plenty left growing in the borders. It's always a pleasure every year to pick the first snowdrops.
Use a simple container to show off the flowers and then just enjoy their beauty!
Have a Lovely Floral Monday!
I'll be back later in the week with more floral delights from
Of Spring and Summer.
~ xoxo ~
~ xoxo ~
[Styling and Photography: © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]
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