Tiny Blooms - # 23 - Snowdrops

 This series of blog posts - called 'Tiny Blooms' - are about small flower arrangements. Small - might be the size of the container or it could be the size of the flowers or the amount of stems. It can also be that the arrangement is minimal both in presentation and that it's simple, quick and easy to do. Apart from that there are no other strict rules - I'm allowing myself a lot of creative freedom!

When the first snowdrops start appearing they are like little jewels. Small, white, pure and delicate - it even looks like each flower is wearing a little skirt with a green pattern along the edge.

But they are not as delicate as they look - in fact they will grow through snow and ice; and layers of leaves and debris on the ground and they can withstand temperatures down to -15C.

The botanical or Greek name for snowdrop is Galanthus. Gala means milk and anthos means flower - a reference to the milky white colour of the flowers.

Galanthus nivalis is native flower that grows all over Europe and the Middle East; Canada and USA. There are also many spices and hybrids as well as about 2000 cultivars.

I have enough growing in my garden to be able to pick little bunches and still have plenty left growing in the borders. It's always a pleasure every year to pick the first snowdrops.

Use a simple container to show off the flowers and then just enjoy their beauty!      

Have a Lovely Floral Monday!

I'll be back later in the week with more floral delights from 
Of Spring and Summer.


~ xoxo ~

[Styling and Photography: © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

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